Sunday, July 10, 2011

Movie Night

This guest post from Lewis Beck

I like a lot of different movies. One of my favorite movie genres has to be horror and I absolutely love watching horror documentaries most of all. The last time I watched a documentary of that kind, I was watching it on my satellite tv, that I got after seeing this, and I absolutely loved everything about it. I made sure to set my alarm when the movie was coming on and I got some popcorn and sat down for a very fun time to watch some good quality movies that I knew I was going to love. I recently set up a date for all of my friends to get together to watch movies on Friday nights.

So far, we've had three dates and they keep getting better each and every time. The last movie we watched was about a serial killer and the other was about some type of haunted house. My friends love coming over because I really set the scene. I cut all of the lights and make sure to make some creepy noises while the movie is playing. We have ice cream floats and popcorn and just a really fun time. After the movie is over, we sit and discuss it on all different aspects. Sometimes we'll say we liked it and others we'll say that we should have watched a different movie on another channel.

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