Detroit Tigers, Detroit Lions, Detroit Pistons, Rasheed Wallace, Barry Bonds, and the world of sports.
Friday, February 02, 2007
Ebates is all about saving money and getting Cash Back whenever you shop online. Online stores such as Apple and over 800 other online stores pay Ebates a commission to link their products on their site. What Ebates does is take that money they earn and give it back to their customers with big cash back checks when they make purchases. All you need to do is have an e-mail address and sign up for a free membership to start earning up to 25% cash back on all you purchases from the popular stores they have listed. It's so easy, that CNN calls using Ebates ""A No-Brainer""! With the latest online coupons and hottest deals on the web, you'll never pay full price again".
Phil says spring will be early
The groundhog that got his real fame from the movie Groundhog Day with Bill Murray apparently didn't see his shadow which means spring will be early. Of course they are talking out of their asses as usual because I really don't think spring is close at all with the blizrd that has been rolling along for a good week now. Winter sucks though. I can say that much.
PUNXSUTAWNEY, Pa. - A new pair of hands pulled Punxsutawney Phil from his stump this year, so it was only fitting that the groundhog offered a new prediction.
Phil did not see his shadow on Friday, which, according to German folklore, means folks can expect an early spring instead of six more weeks of winter.
Full Story
Visit My Blog Buddies: My Single Mom Life
Ms. Kat is a PPP postie I've met on the boards and has been very helpful to me in the world of blog marketing. It seems like forever since I started blogging, but it really hasn't been that long, but thatnks to help from people like Kat I have managed to actually get some PR oon my blogs.
Her blog, My Single Mom Life seems to have slowed down a bit this week. MAybe she decided to say screw it because she told me she is using dial-up this week where she is. I didn't even know they still had dial-up, but apparently they do. Hopefully she will get back to the high-speed stuff soon so she can get posting away her whacky posts. I just looked at her archives under exbastard and had to have a little chuckle. Not that the situations are funny, but the way she writes about them. Keep up the good work Kat.
Her blog, My Single Mom Life seems to have slowed down a bit this week. MAybe she decided to say screw it because she told me she is using dial-up this week where she is. I didn't even know they still had dial-up, but apparently they do. Hopefully she will get back to the high-speed stuff soon so she can get posting away her whacky posts. I just looked at her archives under exbastard and had to have a little chuckle. Not that the situations are funny, but the way she writes about them. Keep up the good work Kat.
AEFeldman Associates, Inc. is a premier group of recruiters builds strong and trusted relationships with industry leading clients and top quality candidates. Their recruiters are actually those that have had successful careers in the industries that they represent so they can provide the most detailed help that any client could possibly imagine. Just from being in their industries for so long they have some long-standing relationships built that will help you right away.
Recruiting areas of expertise include financial and risk management services, legal and legal support services, communications and technology, human resources consulting, and luxury products. They are able to fill positions nationally.
Recruiting areas of expertise include financial and risk management services, legal and legal support services, communications and technology, human resources consulting, and luxury products. They are able to fill positions nationally.
Credit Cards
When you finally get into the real world you need to begin using credit cards for not only convenience, but to help build a reasonable credit. Using the responsibly will help you get an even better loan in the future. On top of those benefits many offer some great rewards for using them. Loyalty points, 0% balance transfers, and even cash back credit cards at times. I have a couple that treat me pretty well and end up getting tons of free stuff from them.
Of course you need to understand how to use them and keep yourself out of serious debt trouble. You should try to compare credit cards too. Credit cards aren't a free pass to buy a bunch of stuff you can't afford. They are for convenience and emergencies. Even credit card companies don't want to find someone who can't repay their debt even if the interest keeps adding on to it. They want to know that you are responsible and they will get their money too for giving you a line of credit to use. LEarn about how they can help you, but at the same time learn how to use them.
Of course you need to understand how to use them and keep yourself out of serious debt trouble. You should try to compare credit cards too. Credit cards aren't a free pass to buy a bunch of stuff you can't afford. They are for convenience and emergencies. Even credit card companies don't want to find someone who can't repay their debt even if the interest keeps adding on to it. They want to know that you are responsible and they will get their money too for giving you a line of credit to use. LEarn about how they can help you, but at the same time learn how to use them.
Visit My Blog Buddies: Odd Planet and Guitar Licks
This guy is a man of my own heart. Sarchastic humor and rock and roll.
A lot like me he takes what idiots do in the world and mocks them with his own twists. His blog Odd Planet is a blog of humor that is right up my alley. One post on here had me scratching my head about a guy that has his nose up someone's ass in A bum view. Definitely good humor and writing style.
This one here though is of greater interest to me. I'm a half assed guitar player that kind of gave up on the trade a few years ago when growing up and having to get a job took more importance, but guitar has always been a great love of mine even if I haven't improved my skills at all in several years. On Guitar Licks he discusses all aspects of playing guitar and I can certainly relate to the hardest tune I can't play, yet. It's awesome to see people still rock with all the hip hop and techno crap out there now. Someone actually playing an instrument? No way. Too bad there isn't a Classic Rock Idol on TV. Sure is hell is better than watching fat chicks try and sing Beyonce or some other no talent ass clown's music.
A lot like me he takes what idiots do in the world and mocks them with his own twists. His blog Odd Planet is a blog of humor that is right up my alley. One post on here had me scratching my head about a guy that has his nose up someone's ass in A bum view. Definitely good humor and writing style.
This one here though is of greater interest to me. I'm a half assed guitar player that kind of gave up on the trade a few years ago when growing up and having to get a job took more importance, but guitar has always been a great love of mine even if I haven't improved my skills at all in several years. On Guitar Licks he discusses all aspects of playing guitar and I can certainly relate to the hardest tune I can't play, yet. It's awesome to see people still rock with all the hip hop and techno crap out there now. Someone actually playing an instrument? No way. Too bad there isn't a Classic Rock Idol on TV. Sure is hell is better than watching fat chicks try and sing Beyonce or some other no talent ass clown's music.
Old School, New School
Not too long ago there was no internet. We got all our ads on TV and the radio. Advertisers spent millions to get to millions of people. With the advent of the internet, advertisers can reach millions of people for fractions of this, sometimes even free. Finding a way to gain top search engine placement is always key in this market. Someone goes to Google looking for some sort of widget you sell and you want to show up at the top of that list. You have to learn how to do it though. That's why you need to look at the link to see how.

Visit My Blog Buddy: Tricia
Tricia has helped me out quite a bit since I started blogging. Back when I was just a wee little lad in the blogsphere she gave me all kinds of tips about how to market, where to get the blogging essentials, and just great encouragement on the ins and outs of making a blog work. I've always been impressed with the look of her blogs and she has a beutiful writing style that makes her one of my favorite bloggers.
Right away when you look at Tricia's Musings you will realize that her blog has a fantastic style and shows off her personality. Each post is well thought out and displays her ability to write. Tricia isn't a goodie two-shoes though so don't get that into your head. She's had quite the mischievious past I come to find out. Streaking her way acrossed not only the bloggin world, but now we found out that Canada is fair game too. HAve a look and comment on her honesty and humor.
As well as breaking laws all acrossed North America, Tricia likes to relax and provide you with tips about gardening. At her blog, As the Garden Grows, she gives to the gardener in you accompanied by exquisite phots of some of the most beutiful flowers you will ever see. This post about The stinky Gnome made me laugh. Reminds me of one of those Bud Light "Real Men of Genius" ads I have on my iPod. "Nothing says Welcome, like a dwarf in the hedges."
Now on to the celebrity tabloid. Those crazy celebs need to be talked about and Celebrity Scoop is about as good as you can get with Tricia's takes on their obnoxious escapades. Hasselhoff is one of my favorite celebs to joke about for many reasons. The guy is just funny to me. Being a super celeb in Germany with his terrible music is a big part of it, but there is something else.
This photo:
Right away when you look at Tricia's Musings you will realize that her blog has a fantastic style and shows off her personality. Each post is well thought out and displays her ability to write. Tricia isn't a goodie two-shoes though so don't get that into your head. She's had quite the mischievious past I come to find out. Streaking her way acrossed not only the bloggin world, but now we found out that Canada is fair game too. HAve a look and comment on her honesty and humor.
As well as breaking laws all acrossed North America, Tricia likes to relax and provide you with tips about gardening. At her blog, As the Garden Grows, she gives to the gardener in you accompanied by exquisite phots of some of the most beutiful flowers you will ever see. This post about The stinky Gnome made me laugh. Reminds me of one of those Bud Light "Real Men of Genius" ads I have on my iPod. "Nothing says Welcome, like a dwarf in the hedges."
Now on to the celebrity tabloid. Those crazy celebs need to be talked about and Celebrity Scoop is about as good as you can get with Tricia's takes on their obnoxious escapades. Hasselhoff is one of my favorite celebs to joke about for many reasons. The guy is just funny to me. Being a super celeb in Germany with his terrible music is a big part of it, but there is something else.
This photo:

Thursday, February 01, 2007
Do you watch soaps?
Don't know what I'm thinking today with all these girly things I'm promoting, but I've never been one to shy away from knowing what women like to talk about anyways so I guess it isn't too much of a suprise. is quite the Soap Opera News site I've been seeing lately by some of the female bloggers. They have been raving about it lately and i must say that the site itself looks like a soap fnatics dream. I'm pretty impressed with how well it looks considering the site has only been around for less than 6 months.
This isn't the point though of why they want me to talk about it. They are looking for some constructive criticism on what they might be able to do to impriove this site. First thing I though of was: "Where's the photos page?" I mean I'm a guy and the first thing I want to see is pictures of hot soap opera women if I'm going to be looking at this site. I'm sure the ladies would certainly be interested in some nice shots of their favorite soap leading men. Other than that I can't really see too much that they can do. The site is really well done and they have virtually any feature a great site could have. is quite the Soap Opera News site I've been seeing lately by some of the female bloggers. They have been raving about it lately and i must say that the site itself looks like a soap fnatics dream. I'm pretty impressed with how well it looks considering the site has only been around for less than 6 months.
This isn't the point though of why they want me to talk about it. They are looking for some constructive criticism on what they might be able to do to impriove this site. First thing I though of was: "Where's the photos page?" I mean I'm a guy and the first thing I want to see is pictures of hot soap opera women if I'm going to be looking at this site. I'm sure the ladies would certainly be interested in some nice shots of their favorite soap leading men. Other than that I can't really see too much that they can do. The site is really well done and they have virtually any feature a great site could have.
Visit My Blog Buddies: Web Reporter and Extra! Extra! Entertainment News
Denise is a fellow postie as well and a great blog buddy. One day I was blessed with a suprise write up on one of my other blogs from her and it is time to give her the credit she is due with a few links to her blogs.
The first blog of hers I want to direct you to is called Web Reporter. This blog is a look into the world of the internet giving us the details of all the goodies she finds across the internet, new gadgets, sites, tech news, tech gossip, the best blogs and websites, whatever seems the most interesting or innovative and helpful. I agree wholeheartedly with her post entitled Kevin Bacon Uses the Six Degree Joke For Charity. I've always been pretty interested in that whole concept, and it is nice to see it is being used positively.
Now for all you celebrity freaks out there you are going to want to visit Extra! Extra! Entertainment News. Everything you want to know about these whacky celebs including this post about A New Religion. There is nothing more entertaining to me than religion really and the concepts that these celebrities buy into.
The first blog of hers I want to direct you to is called Web Reporter. This blog is a look into the world of the internet giving us the details of all the goodies she finds across the internet, new gadgets, sites, tech news, tech gossip, the best blogs and websites, whatever seems the most interesting or innovative and helpful. I agree wholeheartedly with her post entitled Kevin Bacon Uses the Six Degree Joke For Charity. I've always been pretty interested in that whole concept, and it is nice to see it is being used positively.
Now for all you celebrity freaks out there you are going to want to visit Extra! Extra! Entertainment News. Everything you want to know about these whacky celebs including this post about A New Religion. There is nothing more entertaining to me than religion really and the concepts that these celebrities buy into.
Unique Dating Site
Normally I wouldn't talk about a dating site, but this one has a very unique concept. is an online dating service specializing in people that have unique characteristics such as Cancer, Diabetes, IBS and IBD, Obesity, Deafness, Allergies, Hepatitis, Infertility/Impotence, HIV, Herpes and Recovering Alcoholics. Imagine that, eh? Even if it isn't something you would pursue on the romantic side you can find people that have similar issues and form a bond with them this way.
The site itself is completely self-explanatory. You can do a quick search, search more in depth by issue, and find someone right away and get started. This is a site that allows you, no it actually forces you to be honest, but they make it easy to do so. This is a place not to be judged on what you have, but who you are.

The site itself is completely self-explanatory. You can do a quick search, search more in depth by issue, and find someone right away and get started. This is a site that allows you, no it actually forces you to be honest, but they make it easy to do so. This is a place not to be judged on what you have, but who you are.

Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Visit My Blog Buddy: Make$ Money$
Here's one of those sites that knows how to do it right. With a mixture of tough love and humor she has put together a nice blog to teach others how to Make$ Money$ online. If her About page doesn't draw you in then there is probably something seriously wrong with you. One thing you should check out if you are a blogger and using Adsense is her article Don’t risk getting banned by Google Adsense and kicked out of Google. Definitely some important information.
While I was snooping around her blog I came upon a request to link another site. I figured I'd be a nice guy and give her another nice link to help her our ;).
Holy Spirit Cathedral
While I was snooping around her blog I came upon a request to link another site. I figured I'd be a nice guy and give her another nice link to help her our ;).
Holy Spirit Cathedral
Cell phone blog store?
This is an interesting little blog here. They basically blogged so much about Cell Phones that they decided to turn it into a cell phone store. The site itself has tons of options and phones, but most importantly they have pages with options to get Free phones. Navigation is extremely simple, and quite impressive actually. Just glad to see another blogger turning their blog into a real money maker. It is becoming more and more obvious how important blogs are and these guys have taken complete advantage of it. You can find plenty of great phones here the plans that will work for you. All done in an easily searchable format with lots of pretty pictures to make a choice on the look you desire.
Visit My Blog Buddy: Bell Clapper's Garden
Amy is a fellow postie, but when I was looking at her Bell Clapper's Garden Blog I discovered that she likes to do a bit of writing other than just on her blog. Her website approached from the homepage, The Bellclapper's Garden is a bit more personal. She shares some of her other writing here and has a few stories that she would like to share with the world. Take a look at what she's reading and find many other fun links for you to enjoy. I found out she linked to the Green Bay Packers and almost stopped writing this post :). Of course, I'm a lowly Lions fan and they are a division rival, but at this time I really can't have any pride in that team and have actually considered switching alliances many times in the past few years.
Student Loan Consolidation
OK...this subject hits me right in the face. Student Loan Consolidation. The way students are able to get every credit card mailed to them approved now it is imperitive that they can find some way to get out from the mountain of debt they accrue in college from not only blowing as much money as they can get their hands on at teh bar, but now they have to start repaying their student loans because they are in the "Real World".
I was pretty bad with my leisure spending in college and didn't really want to work much other than to get enough money to go out and have fun. LEt my student loans take care of the essentials I said. Then that day about 6 months after graduating I came to the harsh reality that I now only had to start repaying these monsters, but that I was in no position to do so. Most of my loans were on a floating rate so it was just a matter of time before I got caught paying too little every month to cover the interest. That's the funny thing about these loans. The payment tends to remain the same even if the interest rate changes for a while, which menas you may not even be cutting into the principle.
This is where consolidation comes in. Student Loan Consolidation during times of rising interest rates is exactly what I had to do. When I graduated rates were so low that they had no where to go, but up. They aren't goi9ng down anytime soon right now either. You can apply to the above links as a student, or with a co-signer. With resources there on the How's and Why's of student loan consolidation you have basically everythign you need in one place. It is never too early to start thinking about your debt. With the ease of navigation it is simple to understand what you need to do, or what you don't need to do on their site. Even if you have a bit of other debt you may beable to find a solution there as well.
I was pretty bad with my leisure spending in college and didn't really want to work much other than to get enough money to go out and have fun. LEt my student loans take care of the essentials I said. Then that day about 6 months after graduating I came to the harsh reality that I now only had to start repaying these monsters, but that I was in no position to do so. Most of my loans were on a floating rate so it was just a matter of time before I got caught paying too little every month to cover the interest. That's the funny thing about these loans. The payment tends to remain the same even if the interest rate changes for a while, which menas you may not even be cutting into the principle.
This is where consolidation comes in. Student Loan Consolidation during times of rising interest rates is exactly what I had to do. When I graduated rates were so low that they had no where to go, but up. They aren't goi9ng down anytime soon right now either. You can apply to the above links as a student, or with a co-signer. With resources there on the How's and Why's of student loan consolidation you have basically everythign you need in one place. It is never too early to start thinking about your debt. With the ease of navigation it is simple to understand what you need to do, or what you don't need to do on their site. Even if you have a bit of other debt you may beable to find a solution there as well.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Visit My Blog Buddy: Army Mom: New Jersey
Here's to Charlotte, a postie buddy, and Army Mom. Her blog, Army Mom: New Jersey is a look into The Trials and Tribulations of an Army Mom. She has a daughter currently deployed in Iraq until November, a pilot son in Texas, and another son Pimpin' rides in South Carolina installing autoglass. God willing her daughter will arrive home safely.
She would like to know if this thing is Stone or bone? Looks like an egg to me, but her daughter said it was made of whale bone. Your guess is as good as mine. Go over and tell her what you think.
She would like to know if this thing is Stone or bone? Looks like an egg to me, but her daughter said it was made of whale bone. Your guess is as good as mine. Go over and tell her what you think.
Monday, January 29, 2007
Here's quite a suprise...
Apparently this blog is the Blog of the Day on PayPerPost. Never expected such a great honor. I would like to thank:
John Travolta
Ozzy Osborne
Homer's X-Ray
Tom Arnold
Pat Sajak
Bob Barker
Kelly Bundy
Brandon Walsh
Theo Huxtable
Edith Bunker
Sanford AND Son (Listen to their theme while you read here)
Tito Santana
Richie Rich
Tomas Edison
Dan Quayle (for inventing the internet)
Dirk Diggler
Roller Girl
The 3 Stooges
Tony Soprano
Magnum P.I.
The Rocket Man
Willy Wonka
Cheech, but not Chong
Telly Savalas
Joey Buttafuoco
Tiny Tim
Levi Strauss
The Last of the Mohicans
Lawrence Welk
Big Daddy Kane
Zapp & Roger
Billy the Kid
Joe Montana
Charles Barkley
Where's Waldo?
The Jolly Green Giant
Pat Robertson
Jesse's Girl
My best Friend's Girl
Mrs. Robinson
The Walrus
Puff the Magic Dragon
Darko Milicic (lethal from the post and the perimiter)
Uncle Tom
Nadia Komenich
Juwanna Man
This ass
The Smurfs
Tim Burton
The Hebrew Hammer
Al Green
Mike and the Mechanics
Reginald Denny
Jehova's Witnesses
The guy that walks by my house 12 times a day to buy one beer at Wesco
The Greatest Story Ever Told
and last, butcertainly not least, the great men and women of our armed forces. "America! F*** Yeah!"
In case I don't see ya'. Good Morning, Good Afternoon, and Good Night.
John Travolta
Ozzy Osborne
Homer's X-Ray
Tom Arnold
Pat Sajak
Bob Barker
Kelly Bundy
Brandon Walsh
Theo Huxtable
Edith Bunker
Sanford AND Son (Listen to their theme while you read here)
Tito Santana
Richie Rich
Tomas Edison
Dan Quayle (for inventing the internet)
Dirk Diggler
Roller Girl
The 3 Stooges
Tony Soprano
Magnum P.I.
The Rocket Man
Willy Wonka
Cheech, but not Chong
Telly Savalas
Joey Buttafuoco
Tiny Tim
Levi Strauss
The Last of the Mohicans
Lawrence Welk
Big Daddy Kane
Zapp & Roger
Billy the Kid
Joe Montana
Charles Barkley
Where's Waldo?
The Jolly Green Giant
Pat Robertson
Jesse's Girl
My best Friend's Girl
Mrs. Robinson
The Walrus
Puff the Magic Dragon
Darko Milicic (lethal from the post and the perimiter)
Uncle Tom
Nadia Komenich
Juwanna Man
This ass
The Smurfs
Tim Burton
The Hebrew Hammer
Al Green
Mike and the Mechanics
Reginald Denny
Jehova's Witnesses
The guy that walks by my house 12 times a day to buy one beer at Wesco
The Greatest Story Ever Told
and last, butcertainly not least, the great men and women of our armed forces. "America! F*** Yeah!"
In case I don't see ya'. Good Morning, Good Afternoon, and Good Night.
Sunday, January 28, 2007
Funny Videos
Everyone needs a good laugh now and then. There is nothing better to make me laugh than to watch a few funny videos online. has some of the funniest videos I have ever seen and I expect you will get quite a few laughs out of these videos too. Take a look and let me know what you think.

Get out!
A man went to apply for a job. After he got done filling out all of his applications, he waited anxiously for the outcome from the employer. The employer read all his applications and said, "We have an opening for people just like you." "Oh really? That's great!" he said, "What kind of opening is it going to be?" "It's called the door! Have a nice day!"
Reverse Cell Phone Lookup
How many times do you get some phone number that shows up as "Unknown Number" or "Unavailable"? I don't know about you buy I get them everyday at home and on my cell phone. How do you find out who it really is? Reverse Cell Phone Lookup is what you are looking for.
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