Detroit Tigers, Detroit Lions, Detroit Pistons, Rasheed Wallace, Barry Bonds, and the world of sports.
Friday, February 16, 2007
Winter Blues
I wish I could get out of this snow! I want to go to Florida so bad right now. I'd go if there was a hurricane this weather here is so obnoxious, but alas I have too much to do. Taking a look at these mens swimsuits and womens swimsuits puts me in the mood to swim. I wish I still had my house with the indoor pool! I hated the upkeep then, but boy I miss it. It was so nice to just jump in the pool after a day at work. Then relax with a drink in the hot tub and watch the snow fall outside. Ughh...I guess I should quit thinking about it. Winter is kind of depressing.
Snow, snow, snow
All it does is snow. The driveway must be plowed. All day it must be plowed. RedRum RedRum. The snowbanks on the sides of my driveway are up to my chest. Another day like this and I can build a tunnel over my driveway so I will never have to plow it again. The mailman fell on his ass earlier because I didn't put any salt on the steps. I laughed, but he was pretty pissed. I can't help but laugh when someone falls down. I think I have to go up on the garage roof sometime today as well. Looks like it is sagging a bit. Damn that would suck if it fell in. MAn it is snowing hard. I'll bet taht guy that walks by the house 12 times a day to buy one beer gets a 12 pack today. What an idiot. I think he takes a shower and changes his clothes every time he goes to the store to buy a beer too. This is a WALL O' TEXT. The guy looks like he has egg yolks for eyes. His liver is gone. I'm going to take a nap.
Aromatherapy Scented Throws
Something rather new to hit the market are Aromatherapy Scented Throws. The scents are released by millions of tiny capsules through your touch and will last through 20 laundry cycles. They are designed to help you achieve complete relaxation. Would have been a nice little Valentine's Gift I think, but it is still something great to have to help you get comfy during this brutal winter.

Thursday, February 15, 2007
Traffic Club
Clicky, clicky, clicky. Check out my blog friends and click on them once a day. We all love traffic and we like to visit eachother's blogs. Everyone posts something new everyday so visit them several times. Let's help eachother get more traffic and build up our readership by spreading our list!
This list is special though. Every time you click these it tells Alexa. This is the Alexa Project. When you see you got linked on this list just link back to the original list with a regular link. Add a couple to it and watch it grow.
*Taken from Alexa Project*
Ok, this list is based on the number of blogs submitted. One blog per blogger are listed first on down to seven. Amy had this great idea: Get this FF plugin called Linky. Once you have it installed, come back to YOUR post with all the updated links on it and then right click on the page and choose "Linky" then "Open All Links in Tabs" OR highlight a bunch of the links, right click and choose "Linky" then "Open Selected Links in Tabs". This is WAY easier than manually clicking on every link. If you do it this way--it really won't matter where your blog shows up on the list!! Good Luck--track your results and let us know how it is going!
****Note***** You only have to do the list once per day. More than one click per IP will still just count as one--so just once per day is all you need!! ******
Pass it along:
1. Copy all the blogs links EXACTLY on the list and paste to your post.
2. Give a link to the site you saw this from and write about it in your own words.
3. Use Linky on the blogs on your post once a day and visit everyone on it.
4. Add a couple of friends (No more than 3)
5. Let the people you add know about it. These links don't show up on their stats so they won't realize you added them.
My adds:
Sir Post A Lot
The Originals:
Mustard & Catsup
Pegs Az Life
Wild Ride
Genki Desu Yo
My Single Mom Life
Skeets Stuff
Moms With A Spine
Shadow Scope
Beautiful British Columbia
My Thoughts, Ideas & Ramblings
Candid Quips
Elynns Random Life
Reviews and More
Fire Pit
Dilly Designs
Home Biz Blogger
Figuring Myself Out
Steve Sports & Travel
Win Some Gunning Art Walk
A Green Earth
About Simple Ways
Ask Owen
Jimi Morrisons Head
Pray For Mojo
Internet Serious Business
A WAHM’s Blog
Penny Pinching Mom
Wanna Be A WAHM
My Home Recipe
Sqkiki’s Disney Plan
Sqkiki’s Island
Fatty’s Wife Mumbling
Dandelion Patch
Scribble On The Wall
Don’t Pick Up
Whatever I Feel Like
Anais Amy
Know A New Freedom
Mom & Pop Tech
Home With The Kids
Aspects Of Home Business
Green SAHM
Time For Exercise
Make Healthy Meals
Simple Kind Of Life
3 Day Mom
Geeky Speaky
Buy Me Blog
Hockey Dad
Florida Blog
Tampa-Florida Blog
Army Mom:New Jersey
SEO This
Simplify Every Obtacle
Pencil Thin
That Boy Ain't Right
'Twas brillig, and the slithy toves
Tricia's Musings
As the Garden grows
Celebrity Scoop
Odd Planet
Guitar Licks
This list is special though. Every time you click these it tells Alexa. This is the Alexa Project. When you see you got linked on this list just link back to the original list with a regular link. Add a couple to it and watch it grow.
*Taken from Alexa Project*
Ok, this list is based on the number of blogs submitted. One blog per blogger are listed first on down to seven. Amy had this great idea: Get this FF plugin called Linky. Once you have it installed, come back to YOUR post with all the updated links on it and then right click on the page and choose "Linky" then "Open All Links in Tabs" OR highlight a bunch of the links, right click and choose "Linky" then "Open Selected Links in Tabs". This is WAY easier than manually clicking on every link. If you do it this way--it really won't matter where your blog shows up on the list!! Good Luck--track your results and let us know how it is going!
****Note***** You only have to do the list once per day. More than one click per IP will still just count as one--so just once per day is all you need!! ******
Pass it along:
1. Copy all the blogs links EXACTLY on the list and paste to your post.
2. Give a link to the site you saw this from and write about it in your own words.
3. Use Linky on the blogs on your post once a day and visit everyone on it.
4. Add a couple of friends (No more than 3)
5. Let the people you add know about it. These links don't show up on their stats so they won't realize you added them.
My adds:
Sir Post A Lot
The Originals:
Mustard & Catsup
Pegs Az Life
Wild Ride
Genki Desu Yo
My Single Mom Life
Skeets Stuff
Moms With A Spine
Shadow Scope
Beautiful British Columbia
My Thoughts, Ideas & Ramblings
Candid Quips
Elynns Random Life
Reviews and More
Fire Pit
Dilly Designs
Home Biz Blogger
Figuring Myself Out
Steve Sports & Travel
Win Some Gunning Art Walk
A Green Earth
About Simple Ways
Ask Owen
Jimi Morrisons Head
Pray For Mojo
Internet Serious Business
A WAHM’s Blog
Penny Pinching Mom
Wanna Be A WAHM
My Home Recipe
Sqkiki’s Disney Plan
Sqkiki’s Island
Fatty’s Wife Mumbling
Dandelion Patch
Scribble On The Wall
Don’t Pick Up
Whatever I Feel Like
Anais Amy
Know A New Freedom
Mom & Pop Tech
Home With The Kids
Aspects Of Home Business
Green SAHM
Time For Exercise
Make Healthy Meals
Simple Kind Of Life
3 Day Mom
Geeky Speaky
Buy Me Blog
Hockey Dad
Florida Blog
Tampa-Florida Blog
Army Mom:New Jersey
SEO This
Simplify Every Obtacle
Pencil Thin
That Boy Ain't Right
'Twas brillig, and the slithy toves
Tricia's Musings
As the Garden grows
Celebrity Scoop
Odd Planet
Guitar Licks
Blog Interview Blog
There is a pretty interesting new blog that I was able to be a part of recently called Blog Interview. The site is ingenious really. It is just a site that has Interviews with Bloggers from Around the Blogshpere. I submitted one of my other sites for consideration and was granted an interview. It is a very simple process. Kumiko will ask you 5 questions and you answer them. She then gives a few comments about your blog when she posts it on her blog. My interview is up now so go take a look and let me know how I did.
Review My Post!
The next big thing you need to know about from PayPerPost is the roll out of the new “Review My Post” Affiliate program. The best place for blog marketing just got a bit better. You will notice at the bottom of some of my posts that there is a little badge that says to “Get Paid to Review My Post”. What it says is what it means my friends. You click on that badge and you can get paid $7.50 to review that very post. How easy is that? Try it out and see for yourself.
For those that don’t want to write a paid post on their blogs they don’t have to, but can still earn money by being an affiliate. Simply register and get the banner code. Then you put that banner at the end of your posts so that any random passerby can click on it and review a post on your blog! You get $7.50 for them writing the post and you get a valuable link to your site from another blog.
If you are already with PPP and want to get this program going yourself just go to your Dashboard and click on the “Affiliate Tools” tab to get started right away. This new edition is win-win-win for everyone. Readers can get paid to write about one of your great posts. You get paid for someone writing about you and you get a linkback. PPP gets new bloggers into the PPP community.

For those that don’t want to write a paid post on their blogs they don’t have to, but can still earn money by being an affiliate. Simply register and get the banner code. Then you put that banner at the end of your posts so that any random passerby can click on it and review a post on your blog! You get $7.50 for them writing the post and you get a valuable link to your site from another blog.
If you are already with PPP and want to get this program going yourself just go to your Dashboard and click on the “Affiliate Tools” tab to get started right away. This new edition is win-win-win for everyone. Readers can get paid to write about one of your great posts. You get paid for someone writing about you and you get a linkback. PPP gets new bloggers into the PPP community.

Visit My Blog Buddy: The Wolf's Kiss
A few days ago I was talking to Ami, and was introduced to her blog, The Wolf's Kiss so I decided to give her a little bit of pub. Like me, she has been involved in small business before and I found that her posts containing Small Business pointers are quite helpful to someone starting out in the small business world. She discusses some of the trials and tribulations of starting out and the mistakes that can be made because you just haven't considered them.
You would be amazed at the little things that seem to come out of nowhere when you are trying to start up a business with the state, county, and city holding their hands out for a nice fee for one thing or another. Obscure laws that you only find out when you actually go in to get what you thought you needed, only to find out that you actually need something totally different. She talks about her experiences with moving and licenses and the problems she had hoping to prevent you from making the same mistakes.
I'd like to point you to a couple business of hers as well. Look Beyond Mirrors is her Tarot reading site that she has pretty good traffic on, but can always use more. HAve a look and see if she can help you.
She also Designs. Take a look at her portfolio and see a bunch of designs for blogs/journals, business websites, and personal websites.
You would be amazed at the little things that seem to come out of nowhere when you are trying to start up a business with the state, county, and city holding their hands out for a nice fee for one thing or another. Obscure laws that you only find out when you actually go in to get what you thought you needed, only to find out that you actually need something totally different. She talks about her experiences with moving and licenses and the problems she had hoping to prevent you from making the same mistakes.
I'd like to point you to a couple business of hers as well. Look Beyond Mirrors is her Tarot reading site that she has pretty good traffic on, but can always use more. HAve a look and see if she can help you.
She also Designs. Take a look at her portfolio and see a bunch of designs for blogs/journals, business websites, and personal websites.
PayPerPost Segmentation
PayPerPost introduced segmentation last week and it has meant big changes for high traffic ranking bloggers. Those with very high traffic ranks can get paid to blog for advertisers and get as much as $1000 to do ONE post. PPP is giving blogger the kind of money they deserve for posting ads on their blogs. Those with high traffic and PR are worth the extra money and exposure an ad on their blogs will get.
PPP is definitely the best paid blogging platform I have tried out. They have the ability to give advertisers any type of blogger they will ever need. Comparatively to other paid posting sites PPP only charges a 35% service fee while others such as Review me charge 100% mark ups.
PayPerPost requires disclosure on all blogs that do opportunities for them and have been a leader in the market of paid Blogging for their efforts to provide our readers an accurate disclosure policy. With the newest rollout, blogs now have a disclosure badge in posts available to advertisers that let the readers know it is a sponsored post. This is completely optional to advertisers, but the bloggers do have to show a disclosure policy on their blogs no matter what.
PPP is definitely the best paid blogging platform I have tried out. They have the ability to give advertisers any type of blogger they will ever need. Comparatively to other paid posting sites PPP only charges a 35% service fee while others such as Review me charge 100% mark ups.
PayPerPost requires disclosure on all blogs that do opportunities for them and have been a leader in the market of paid Blogging for their efforts to provide our readers an accurate disclosure policy. With the newest rollout, blogs now have a disclosure badge in posts available to advertisers that let the readers know it is a sponsored post. This is completely optional to advertisers, but the bloggers do have to show a disclosure policy on their blogs no matter what.
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Visit My Blog Buddy: Skeet's Stuff
Skeet makes me laugh a lot. She's just damned funny. Every time I see her posting on the boards I know her take is going to give me a bit of a chuckle. Her About page on her blog just makes me laugh my ass off.
She just transferred to her own domain recently and got off of Blogger. Congrats skeet! Go over to Skeet's Stuff and start reading. I promise at the very least you will at least crack a few grins.
Oh and her name isn't really skeet. It's a dirty word to most folks who watch Dave Chapelle, or have heard it in various rap tunes over the years, but she swears that Skeet is not a dirty word. It's a fantastic post and a great story.
She just transferred to her own domain recently and got off of Blogger. Congrats skeet! Go over to Skeet's Stuff and start reading. I promise at the very least you will at least crack a few grins.
Oh and her name isn't really skeet. It's a dirty word to most folks who watch Dave Chapelle, or have heard it in various rap tunes over the years, but she swears that Skeet is not a dirty word. It's a fantastic post and a great story.
Quick! Send a Valentine! has an array of eCards for you to give out immediately. Did you forget Valentine's Day? Get off your butt and go to the site to send out some free funny eCards immediately before someone thinks you don't care.
Customers can get a free 30-day trial membership to send unlimited eCards and a yearly subscription is only $13.99. As a member users can schedule eCards to arrive on a specific date, so it's possible to personalize a birthday or Valentine eCard whenever and schedule it to be sent immediately or on the exact date you choose.

Customers can get a free 30-day trial membership to send unlimited eCards and a yearly subscription is only $13.99. As a member users can schedule eCards to arrive on a specific date, so it's possible to personalize a birthday or Valentine eCard whenever and schedule it to be sent immediately or on the exact date you choose.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007
What are you grateful for?
I got tagged by my buddy Kat so here goes.
3 Things I'm Grateful For:
1. Friends that are like family. I never had a brother or sister until I was about 14 so my friends were closer to me than most of my family. The things they have seen me through I will always be grateful for.
2. Family. Of course I can't forget my family either. They have supported me my whole life no matter what crazy ideas I may have. I'm a dreamer and an ex-drunk so you can only imagine the kind fo things they've had to put up with.
3. Life. Everything in the universe amazes me. So much to learn and so little time to live. Everyday I learn something new and it is always amazing.
Since we are supposed to keep passing this along I'll tag my buddies snuzulose, skeet, and "that boy ain't right!"
3 Things I'm Grateful For:
1. Friends that are like family. I never had a brother or sister until I was about 14 so my friends were closer to me than most of my family. The things they have seen me through I will always be grateful for.
2. Family. Of course I can't forget my family either. They have supported me my whole life no matter what crazy ideas I may have. I'm a dreamer and an ex-drunk so you can only imagine the kind fo things they've had to put up with.
3. Life. Everything in the universe amazes me. So much to learn and so little time to live. Everyday I learn something new and it is always amazing.
Since we are supposed to keep passing this along I'll tag my buddies snuzulose, skeet, and "that boy ain't right!"
Monday, February 12, 2007
Relieving Joint Pain
Dr. Allen Gustafson is a board-certified orthopaedic surgeon renowned for his experience, skill, and accomplishments in joint replacement and reconstruction. His site has complete information as to how to get help reliving Joint Pain, joint replacement, and reconstruction. The site is pretty amazing actually for all they offer patients. It has an array of online patient services available once you create and account that allows you to make appointments, fill out your pre-visit paperwork, check the doctor’s schedule, and even refill prescriptions. Add to that they have a complete library of educational information in their "Patient Education" section. Visit the site of this renown doctor to learn about your joint pains. If nothing else you will have the answers you need to see if you can get something done about your pain.
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