Saturday, April 07, 2007

Working from home

Since November I have earned all of my money working out of my home. I do it all online too. I really think that I am going to be doing something in this capacity for the rest of my life. I'm not an employee type of person so it serves me well.

Back in November I decided that I would find a group of WAH jobs that I could do together and not have to get a real job. I figured the way most of them were I was going to have to take on about 10 different WAH jobs to make a decent amount of money. Well...eventually during my search (a couple weeks) I discovered blogging and it has taken off pretty well. I'm making a few grand a month just doing paid posting for various sites, and am even learning how to make a bit of ad money as well. At this point my goal is to turn all of my sites into ad machines instead of having to do so much work. I am learning quite a bit about all of this now, but there is quite a ways to go to truly make sites that earn on their own.

For those thinking about working out of your home I would definitely suggest learning the blogging trade. Anything is truly possible with it I think. You may even find more once you start to learn. The next thing you know you will need some Budgeting software because you are running a full blown business.

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