Right away when you look at Tricia's Musings you will realize that her blog has a fantastic style and shows off her personality. Each post is well thought out and displays her ability to write. Tricia isn't a goodie two-shoes though so don't get that into your head. She's had quite the mischievious past I come to find out. Streaking her way acrossed not only the bloggin world, but now we found out that Canada is fair game too. HAve a look and comment on her honesty and humor.
As well as breaking laws all acrossed North America, Tricia likes to relax and provide you with tips about gardening. At her blog, As the Garden Grows, she gives to the gardener in you accompanied by exquisite phots of some of the most beutiful flowers you will ever see. This post about The stinky Gnome made me laugh. Reminds me of one of those Bud Light "Real Men of Genius" ads I have on my iPod. "Nothing says Welcome, like a dwarf in the hedges."
Now on to the celebrity tabloid. Those crazy celebs need to be talked about and Celebrity Scoop is about as good as you can get with Tricia's takes on their obnoxious escapades. Hasselhoff is one of my favorite celebs to joke about for many reasons. The guy is just funny to me. Being a super celeb in Germany with his terrible music is a big part of it, but there is something else.
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