Thursday, March 08, 2007

NFL Looks at Effects of Head Injuries

Mar. 8--Confronted with unhappy and increasingly unhealthy retired players, the NFL is embarking on a study of concussions -- estimated to cost as much as $3 million -- in search of evidence of chronic brain dysfunction.

Dr. Ira Casson, co-chairman of the league's research team on concussions, this week said he hopes to answer the ominous question "of whether or not a career in the NFL results in any kind of chronic brain injury."

To a number of retired players, including several former Colts, that answer is already in.

Merril Hoge was forced to retire from the Chicago Bears after suffering two concussions within the span of 42 days early in the 1994 season. He says he never had a follow-up evaluation after the first one and was back on the practice field five days later.

When Hoge, a running back, suffered a second concussion six weeks later, he says he stopped breathing in the locker room and nearly died.


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